Feb 13, 2011

Hasta Later

I can remember sitting down with our kids, in our living room, in St. James and sharing with them that we were going to be moving overseas to serve with the company.  They began to ask so many questions.  They didn't understand how we could live overseas and still see all their friends and family.  Brooklin said, "Daddy, what will happen with Bear (our Bullmastiff)?  I then shared with Brook that God wanted Bear to have a new home and then the tears began to flow.  Oh my goodness, did we ever cry a little river! It was easy for me to now imagine the Jordan at flood stage as the Israelites were preparing to cross.  We were shedding some serious tears.  As I began to pray and ask God for wisdom on what to say these words came out of my mouth, "Girls, the Lord will give us friends and a family on the field and someday, we will be sad because they are leaving us, in the Dominican Republic."  The girls laughed and said, "No dad that won't happen...we don't know anyone in the Dominican Republic."  I said, "Not yet!"  Wow!  I had no idea that it would happen so soon.

On February 5th we said "Hasta Later" to our new family and our dear friends Ryan, Emily and Chase.  We have had the privilege of being with them since language school in Costa Rica.  Ryan and I have shared trips to Nicaragua, Haiti and various excursions that were always filled with laughter, disaster, anger, repentance, near death experiences and God ordained encounters with people in Hostels that neither one of us will ever forget.  DeNiel and Emily have also shared many eventful times that will forever be G14 classified!  We know that we have developed a relationship with them that we will cherish throughout our lives. 

The last week and a half has been difficult but we do have a Krispy Kreme nearby for comfort food!  However, today our kids asked, "Who will fill the void now for our grandparents since Uncle Ryan and Aunt Emily are gone?"  And for that I had no answer.  Yet, I assured them that God knows our needs and his timing is perfect. 

In closing, as DeNiel and I submitted to the Lordship of Christ to join him on the field, we had no idea who we would meet, where we would ultimately serve or live. Yet, God knew and today we are thankful for the blessing of knowing Ryan, Emily and Chase through their obedience and our obedience to the Lord.  So I ask, "What blessing from the Lord have you, could you, or will you experience because of obedience?   Oh... to always be obedient.

Prayer Request:

  • Pray for Ryan, Emily, and Chase as they seek to join the company once again. 
  • Pray for our work here in the DR that we will encounter those whom the Lord is drawing unto himself.


musicalicia08 said...

Hi! I don't know if you remember me or not, but I am Carrie's little sister Alicia from STJ, and I came to FBC in high school sometimes while you were there (2002-2003...graduated h.s. in 2003). Reading your blog has been an encouragement to me, and I just wanted you to know this post was especially encouraging! I am actually going to the three-day meeting with the company for their two year JM program in a little over a week! And so many of the things you mentioned about the "who's" and "wheres" and "hows" have gone through my mind, but His peace and direction have helped me to trust and to continue to be excited and passionate about where He is leading! As for the "where," only He knows that right now too, but I can only imagine the adventure He has in store for me as I spread His truth and joy around the world! I'm lifting your family up and look forward to reading more about how He is using you there! :)

Itinerary said...

Of course I remember you! I am so excited to hear how the Lord is working in your life. Lord bless as you seek to follow him in obedience.

Carrie said...

Hi-I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Alicia's older sister...I won't tell you when I graduated or any other information that will make me sound old, I will just say that it was AFTER both of you... :) Love keeping up with you on here and knowing how we can pray for you, as well as being challenged by what God leads you to share.