Happy New Year!
We find ourselves amazed and overwhelmed in looking back in 2010. What a journey it was not only for us but for many of you as well. We pray that the Lord will deepen all of our faith in 2011 and teach us how to walk deeper with him (Micah 6:8).
We wanted to give you all our new address and remind you that we have to pay around $2.00 per pound to receive mail from Agape! Please remember this when sending packages. If you know what the weight is, it is safe to put the money inside of the package and we can pay Agape with that money.
Mark & DeNiel Gillen
c/o Agape Flights DMG 25869
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285
This must be copied EXACTLY as above.
Thank you for your prayers and keeping up with us! Also, the new blog colors/template is a work in progress. We will be more dedicated to keeping the blog up to date in the coming year (with the help of Ryan).
In Him,
The Gillens